Concordia has grown from our earliest days on the campus of Concordia College, to our move to the facility at Anthony and Maumee, to our current location. Through it all, and by the grace of God, Concordia continues to thrive, adapting to an ever-changing landscape while staying true to our core. First and foremost, our faith: enduring and inspiring, Concordia remains a place where Christ is at the center of everything we do.
This fundamental belief inspires our students, faculty and staff to serve others inside and outside these walls. Finally, the Concordia family remains a supportive and understanding community: we welcome new members every year while honoring those whose contributions make it possible to offer the Concordia experience to successive generations.
This fundamental belief inspires our students, faculty and staff to serve others inside and outside these walls. Finally, the Concordia family remains a supportive and understanding community: we welcome new members every year while honoring those whose contributions make it possible to offer the Concordia experience to successive generations.
Concordia's student schedules are structured to improve our academic and community goals - creating a better learning environment for students. More Theology Classes: More opportunities to learn about their faith, and their Lord Jesus Christ through direct instruction. Eliminate "split" classes where students eat lunch in the middle of the period and then return to class.
Christ is the center of Concordia Lutheran High School and the student is the focus of our Christ-Centered Developmental Counseling program. There are several premises which serve as the foundation on which the Counseling program was developed. These premises make up the framework which gives form and function to a developmentally-oriented guidance and counseling program.
The Student-Parent Handbook provides guidelines for conduct as well as general information about being a student at Concordia Lutheran High School. Please review each section when applying for admission to the high school and when signing your Enrollment Contract each year. Situations arise at Concordia Lutheran High School throughout the school year, which may cause parents, teachers and students are concerned.
The CLHS school nurse helps to ensure your student has a safe and healthy school year. Our clinic is staffed every day by a Registered Nurse to care for and assist your student with any medical emergencies. The school nurse makes a difference and promotes academic success while also promoting lifelong healthy habits.
Lunches will be served out of the cafeteria this year. We have two hot lines at lunch, and the third line will be Grab & Go sandwiches, salads, and a la carte items. Once you have created your account you will be able to view how much money is on your student's account. If you have any questions please feel free to Debbie Schumm at dschumm@clhscadets.com or (260) 483-1102, ext.
Reviews (2)
Andrea Hoover
Aug 10, 2018
My children have thrived at Concordia. The music program is outstanding. The academic standards have been good for them. I love that they take theology every semester. The drama program offers multiple opportunities for performance. The students, faculty, and staff come together to support one another in times of joy (Addison Agen on the Voice, numerous scholarships and recognitions students receive) and tragedy (deaths, illness, hardships). We are blessed to be a part of Concordia Lutheran High School.
Daniel Gottschalk
Oct 27, 2016