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Hypnosis is a powerful organic tool that works as a stimulus to your subconscious mind. I use hypnosis as part of a multidisciplinary approach to design a customized treatment plan for each individual client. Such plan covers a broad range of mind/body/spiritual issues unique to that client. Life Coaching is a proactive alternative to psychotherapy.

Its principles have proven so effective that Harvard has set up an institute to determine why the life coaching discipline registers more immediate and profound results than traditional psychotherapy. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an empowering, non-invasive practice that I employ in teaching the tapping points that work along the acupuncture points proven to clear the mind of fears and blocks.
Reinforcement sessions may be necessary to maintain success, pending on the severity and complexity of the core issue/s. Some clients may want to do on-going maintenance for lifetime self-mastery, while others may find that they get everything they need in a few sessions. Hypnotherapy, with the aid of EFT and Life Coaching, successfully treats more issues more quickly and effectively than traditional psychotherapy.
Think of your brain as a computer. It has been programmed by your parents, your social and economic environment and by life events. Not necessarily of your choice and out of your awareness, yet affecting 90% of all daily decision-making. The subconscious mind is your memory bank, a picture book, of your unique life experience.
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