Woodland Catalog featuring Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl. Free catalog mailed on request, or shop our secure online store. Fast, friendly, one-stop source for Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl gifts and educational support materials. Discontinued items from previous catalogs-many at bargain prices, some unique and valuable collector's items.
Includes close-out of memorabilia from the Lewis & Clark Bicentennial. Our winter catalog is in press and should mail in late October. Now Dawn can rest a little and here she is enjoying an autumn hike in Nevada's beautiful Ruby Mountains.
Includes close-out of memorabilia from the Lewis & Clark Bicentennial. Our winter catalog is in press and should mail in late October. Now Dawn can rest a little and here she is enjoying an autumn hike in Nevada's beautiful Ruby Mountains.
Woodland Enterprises is a 2-in-one business that began as a home-based catalog in 1985. At the time, Dawna gave up her elementary teaching career so she could be home with her young son and new daughter. Today the kids are finishing college and the business continues to grow, with Dawn as the day-to-day manager and husband Jim handling catalog production and web site design.
NOTE: Many of our items have quantity discounts (shown in the catalog and in online descriptions) that unfortunately do not show up on web orders until after your order is submitted. However, the discounts are applied before your card is charged. We apologize for this inconvenience and are trying to get this changed!