Fentronics is serving the audio video needs of the Greater Austin area. We are a locally owned and operated audio video firm based out of Round Rock, TX. We specialize in turnkey audio video solutions which include home theater design and install, home automation, whole house distributed audio video, and structured wiring.
Whether you're looking for the home theater of your dreams or just want to make sure that your house is ready for the future, we can help you from design to installation. We handle projects for new construction and remodels, commercial and residential. We look forward to helping you make your A/V visions come to life.
Whether you're looking for the home theater of your dreams or just want to make sure that your house is ready for the future, we can help you from design to installation. We handle projects for new construction and remodels, commercial and residential. We look forward to helping you make your A/V visions come to life.
We take great pride in our home theaters, which is clearly seen from the time we design it to the final touches that make it your personalized home theater. Home theaters and surround sound media rooms are becoming less of a luxury and more of a staple amenity found in most new homes around the Greater Austin area.
Let us break it down for you. Then, based on your needs and your house, you can decide what is right for you. A dedicated theater is a room that has been set aside exclusively for watching movies usually on a large screen size 80+. Whether there are absolutely no windows or you use blackout shades to cover existing windows, these rooms will have limited ambient lighting.
At Fentronics we know that Austin is a city of diversity, and that is seen even in our choice of music and entertainment. So why can't you enjoy that same level of diversity at home? Well with a Multi-room audio video distribution system installed by Fentronics your options of music and entertainment throughout the house can vary from room to room according to the preference of each individual in the family.
A residential structured wiring system, essentially, networks voice and data, audio and video, along with home security and environmental control. A properly installed wiring system can support home theater with surround sound, whole-house audio, lighting automation, security requirements, appliance control, telephone, fax and other home office requirements and remote-access zoned environmental controls.
When you think of the structure of your house, do you think about how it is wired? Probably not. At Fentronics we realize the importance of a house that has a properly structured wiring system. This allows for the homeowner to have very flexible options when it comes to the placement of their TV, Phone, or even their computer.
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