You have already invested in developing your marketing strategy to reach potential customers. With a fraction of that cost you can reach many more customers locally, nationally and internationally in their native language. Why limit yourself? If you need help creating content to attract international customers, translating your existing materials or adapting your current documents for any locale, we can help.
We offer a complete line of services that can fit your workflow and budget. We have more than 40 years of combined experience in print media, multimedia and foreign languages. Let us put that body of knowledge to work for you. Our growing list of satisfied customers have seen the difference in quality and results.
We offer a complete line of services that can fit your workflow and budget. We have more than 40 years of combined experience in print media, multimedia and foreign languages. Let us put that body of knowledge to work for you. Our growing list of satisfied customers have seen the difference in quality and results.
Final Graphic was founded in 2005 to bridge the gap between the technical demands of the publishing industry and the translation industry. The strict requirements to deliver complete and correct documents often left translation agencies puzzled. We saw a unique opportunity to help both industries connect to produce exceptional results.
We take a minimalist approach to design. We avoid all the costly bells and whistles that do not work to engage and don't drive sales. We do use proven design technicques well-known in print media. We fuse our print media experience with current market research. In this way save you money and improve the effectiveness of your content.
Reviews (5)
Ron Bledsoe
Oct 15, 2020
Peggy Key
Sep 15, 2020
Sheila Grady
Jul 19, 2020
I was appalled to witness your sign language interpreters next to Judge Clay Jenkins during his briefings. They were just a step up of this "fake interpreter" at Nelson Mandela's speech. You said your interpreters were certified by RID/BEI - check again. They weren't.
This is a huge insult to our precious deaf community, who DESERVED the very same information of this critical public health crisis, and you DEPRIVED them of just that!
This is a huge insult to our precious deaf community, who DESERVED the very same information of this critical public health crisis, and you DEPRIVED them of just that!
Sarah Milem
Jul 17, 2020
Annie Rivera
Jul 08, 2020
This agency has sent out TWO unqualified interpreters (in a row!) to interpret the press conferences for Judge Jenkins in Dallas. Both interpreters not only made up signs, but were sloppy in delivering the message, messed up the message (saying “go to church” when Jenkins said NOT to, signing Denton when Jenkins said Dallas, and signing “hanging” (like how an animal hangs from a tree) instead of hanging-out), etc. This negates the need for an interpreter if the Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and even Hearing audiences need another interpreter to clear up the message!
It seems they care only about
It seems they care only about