Many problems can be solved quickly, without the need for a house-call. As long as you can boot and connect to the Internet a remote support session may work better for you. We provide computer support in Southwest Florida from the comfort of home. Please don't hesitate to ask if we can help you get results faster with remote service and save some money at the same time.
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This website is a "work-in-progress". Check back later for changes/updates!
If the phone call is not answered or goes to voice mail or message the service call will be considered cancelled. These changes, regretfully, are necessary. We feel that to be able to meet customer expectations certain guidelines must be established specifying the parameters of service provided.
These parameters are based, in part, on the difficult-to-predict nature of technology and human interactions and the nature of unexpected travel and traffic delays.Every effort will be made to keep the arrival time as close to the beginning time of the scheduled time "window". We cannot guarantee that will always be the case.
These parameters are based, in part, on the difficult-to-predict nature of technology and human interactions and the nature of unexpected travel and traffic delays.Every effort will be made to keep the arrival time as close to the beginning time of the scheduled time "window". We cannot guarantee that will always be the case.
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