Hennon Surveying and Mapping provides professional land surveying services to municipalities, state and local government agencies, developers, contractors, A/E firms, home builders and landowners all over Southern California. A topgraphic survey that measures the elevation of points on a particular piece of land.
This helps locate utility structures as well as other graphic features such as buildings, fences, hills, valleys, streams, etc. A survey to establish the boundaries of a parcel using its legal description which may involve the setting or restoration of monuments along the lines of the parcel, often in the form of rods, pipes, concrete, etc.
This helps locate utility structures as well as other graphic features such as buildings, fences, hills, valleys, streams, etc. A survey to establish the boundaries of a parcel using its legal description which may involve the setting or restoration of monuments along the lines of the parcel, often in the form of rods, pipes, concrete, etc.
Reviews (3)
Elizabeth F.
Nov 18, 2020
They were able to come on short emergency notice with a crew to help resolve a boundary dispute. Knowing it was time sensitive, they worked over the weekend to produce a high quality survey at a competitive price. All the crew was super professional and communicative. Could not recommend more highly.
Naoma Bethel
Oct 26, 2018
Donald May
Sep 10, 2015