If you are looking for a therapist or counselor in Omaha, Dr. Karen Baumstark, Dr. Vanessa Laskowski, Stacy Campbell, Victoria Stegall, Eleanore Shrader, and Michelle Woidneck Kieffe can provide experienced help for you, your marriage, your significant relationships, and/or your family. For therapy and/or counseling in Omaha, make Kairos Psychological, P.C. your first choice.
Whether you require individual counseling, marriage or couples counseling, or family counseling, we can provide experienced, professional services. D., CMHIMP, CTACC, recently completed coursework to become a Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider. As we work with you, we will take the time to fully understand your challenges and will help you work through them.
Whether you require individual counseling, marriage or couples counseling, or family counseling, we can provide experienced, professional services. D., CMHIMP, CTACC, recently completed coursework to become a Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider. As we work with you, we will take the time to fully understand your challenges and will help you work through them.
Kairos Psychological, P.C. is located near 120th and West Center Street. From 120th and Center, go east on Center one block to 119th and turn left (which is north). Go one block to Arbor Street. Turn left (which is west) and take the first driveway on your left. This will bring you to our door, which says Kairos Psychological, P.C., 11905 above it.
Professionals at Kairos Psychological, P.C. are always looking for ways to help our clients with life's struggles. The therapists at Kairos Psychological, P.C. feel that one of the best books to give people a better understanding of relationships is The Dance of Intimacy, by Harriet Lerner. This book gives people direction for how to navigate close relationships without "triangulating."
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