SVHS Football vs Bryon, Fri., 4/8. ATTENTION PARENTS & SENIORS: Your graduation date has been set--see article below for details. Welcome to our Incoming Freshmen--please review the article below to find out more about your upcoming high school experience. Course Guide for 21-22 school year is now available--see Quick Links.
Below are quotes that support the ideals of Rachel Scott, the first person to be killed at Columbine. Her quotes have inspired many and has led to the creation of Rachel's Challenge. Rachel's Challenge We at SVHS challenge each and every one of us to try to live up to these great ideals that Rachel has left behind as.
Below are quotes that support the ideals of Rachel Scott, the first person to be killed at Columbine. Her quotes have inspired many and has led to the creation of Rachel's Challenge. Rachel's Challenge We at SVHS challenge each and every one of us to try to live up to these great ideals that Rachel has left behind as.
Dear SVHS Parents and Guardians Welcome to the new School Year; we are excited to begin this adventure with all of you. Stillman Valley High School's Vision is to create a learning environment that empowers our. At the time students took the recent ISBE-Sponsored SAT exam, they had the ability to send their scores to up to four colleges or scholarship organizations by writing the affiliated code directly on their answer sheet.
Congratulations to Luke Robert & Connor Flynn for Receiving Perfect Scores on the ACT Test!. Congratulations to Luke Robert and Connor Flynn for ach ieving a perfect 36 on their ACT scores. This is something that only 1% of students nationwide accomplish. Luke Robert and Connor Flynn have both done it.
This podcast was created for all teachers and staff in our District. We invite all to listen and share. If you are not part of our District, you are welcome as well to our Podcast. Please share it out freely to those who you think could benefit. The podcast's hosts are Ryan Read and Cathie Murphy. Both Ryan and Cathie work in the Business & Technology Department at Stillman Valley High School.
Stillman Valley High School has a variety of departments. These departments each have their own section. To access a section, please go back to the "Department" tab and hold your cursor over the "Department" tab. A drop down list will display the variouis high departments. If you want to contact a teacher, please go to the "Teacher" tab at the top of the page and then select "Teacher Contact.
Dear Parents and Students If you are enrolled in a business or technology class, please make sure you have the necessary supplies the first day of school. Congratulations to students who earned their IC3 Digital Literacy certification. Students who enroll in Principle of Technology have the opportunity to take the Digital Literacy certification for Computer Fundamentals and Key.