Our web site is very informative and we invite you to take a stroll and educate yourself to find out why there really is difference in crawl space contractors. Finding a service company today that actually delivers on their promises can seem like a daunting task. At Crawl Space Solutions we deliver on our promises and we back that up with a five year warranty on our workmanship and materials.
If you are considering selling your home this is a transferable warranty. In addition most of the vapor barriers we install are guaranteed not to tear for life. We're that confident in the materials we use. We are a local company that specializes only in solving these kinds of crawl space symptoms.
If you are considering selling your home this is a transferable warranty. In addition most of the vapor barriers we install are guaranteed not to tear for life. We're that confident in the materials we use. We are a local company that specializes only in solving these kinds of crawl space symptoms.
Manufactured homes have many of the same problems in their crawl spaces as do stick built homes. These include standing water problems, poor drainage, contaminated or old ineffective insulation in the floor, mold and allergens and rodent infestation. Most manufactured homes do not have a standard crawl space in that very few are built on a foundation.
Proper installation is critical. The vapor barrier needs to cover all of the dirt completely and also be properly sealed. In addition the concrete footing and at least part of the foundation wall need to be covered as well. Some homeowners prefer to cover the entire foundation wall. This helps prevent any moisture from escaping and also give the space a uniform look.
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