In all of Vermont, there isn't a friendlier or more dedicated staff than ours. We're happy to help you find either the perfect recreational vehicle or the parts you've been looking for. Check out our catalogs to see what we have. If you need help in making your selection, call or stop in-we're always ready to help!
Remember we service ALL makes and models and are conviently located on the VAST and VASA trail at intersection CA 55. We are family-owned and operated and conveniently located in Hardwick, VT. Buffalo Mountain Powersports can provide you with the latest and best in powersports products to make your outdoor living more enjoyable.
Remember we service ALL makes and models and are conviently located on the VAST and VASA trail at intersection CA 55. We are family-owned and operated and conveniently located in Hardwick, VT. Buffalo Mountain Powersports can provide you with the latest and best in powersports products to make your outdoor living more enjoyable.
At Buffalo Mountain Powersports, our mission is to offer you the latest in parts and products at the best prices, and with unparalleled service. We are the only Cat Master Gold Certified Arctic Cat dealership in the State of Vermont, so you know you will be getting the best possible service available.
It's true what they say, a little bit of maintenance goes a long way when it comes getting the most out your machine. Maintenance is more then just an oil change however, that's why here at Buffalo Mountain Powersports we offer a wide range of servicing options, each of which comes with a multi point inspection.
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