At Park Villa Nursing Home, we take great pride in providing a calm, comfortable home and living environment for our residents. We are located in the rural community of Clyde in North Central Kansas. Clyde is an active, close-knit community where neighbors help neighbors and individuals strive to create and maintain the best of small town life.
The smaller size of our nursing home and the friendly, small-town atmosphere of Clyde is just one of the many positive aspects when considering Park Villa Nursing Home for your loved one. Due to the small size of our nursing home, we are able to offer a much more personable home environment for our residents.
The smaller size of our nursing home and the friendly, small-town atmosphere of Clyde is just one of the many positive aspects when considering Park Villa Nursing Home for your loved one. Due to the small size of our nursing home, we are able to offer a much more personable home environment for our residents.
If you live in the Clyde area you do not need to drive out of town to receive therapy. With a doctor's order, you can receive physical, occupational, and speech therapy at the Park Villa Nursing Home location. Our certified, licensed and highly trained therapists will focus on helping you return to your prior activities of daily living.
Park Villa Nursing Home Long Term Care provides caring services to help meet both the medical and non-medical need of individuals with a chronic illness or disability. We will help when the individual can no longer care for themselves at home for any number of specific reasons. At Park Villa Nursing Home we seek to maximize the quality of life for our long term care population who require a specialized restorative program.
Park Villa Nursing Home offers a form of short-term, temporary relieve to family care givers in the form of Respite Care. Even though many families enjoy being able to provide care to their loved ones at home, the physical and emotional strains of doing so can be overwhelming. Respite care offers support in the form of a 'short-break' to family care givers.
Park Villa Nursing Home offers a variety of activities and events for our residents and their families. Throughout the year we host a number of seasonal 'themed' events, where the residents themselves often enjoy being involved in preparation activities such as baking and decorating.
In addition to these special events, our residents have a number of other opportunities for extracurricular activities such as painting and craft activities, baking, bowling and other sporting events, seasonal projects - such as decorating Easter eggs and planting flowers and plants, as well as enjoying live entertainment or their favorite movies.
In addition to these special events, our residents have a number of other opportunities for extracurricular activities such as painting and craft activities, baking, bowling and other sporting events, seasonal projects - such as decorating Easter eggs and planting flowers and plants, as well as enjoying live entertainment or their favorite movies.