We at PGM Recovery Systems are providing information and transparency to the AF/02 Sensor, Spark Plug and Catalytic Converter Recycling industry in an effort to promote a value system of fair dealing. As a result of providing the industry with the proper tools to increase their profits, we are developing long-term relationships with suppliers.
PGM Recovery Systems, Inc. entered the PGM recycling space in 2010 in an effort to overcome the volume processing of scrap oxygen sensors. This took our engineering team six months to resolve. Beside the scrap sensor technology, in 2017 we tested, proved, and implemented a new technology to overcome the extraction of a low value PGM feed stock.
PGM Recovery Systems, Inc. entered the PGM recycling space in 2010 in an effort to overcome the volume processing of scrap oxygen sensors. This took our engineering team six months to resolve. Beside the scrap sensor technology, in 2017 we tested, proved, and implemented a new technology to overcome the extraction of a low value PGM feed stock.
There are quantities of misinformation in the catalytic converter recycling industry that confuses sellers. And there is information that smelters and refiners will not divulge when dealing with their suppliers of auto catalyst. This is not disclosed which increases their own profitability. If you are de-canning and selling auto catalyst to your buyer, you often can't understand why you have fluctuations in your assays.
PGM Recovery Systems entered the arena of scrap O2 sensor recycling in late 2010, realizing there was a potential in recycling O2 sensors for PGM values. O2 sensors contain extremely small amounts of platinum and palladium applied to the internal zirconia ceramic. This consequently makes the recycling of scrap oxygen sensors only feasible with the processing of tons of sensors daily.
We only buy business to business and provide spark plug recycling services to operations in the lower 48 United States. Due to higher emissions standards, internal combustion gasoline engines require higher light off temperatures and pressure to attain the desired results. Because platinum and iridium can stand up to these demanding conditions, they are the material of choice in OEM applications.
When shipping whole converters, package them in a large box (gaylord) on a pallet, then cover with cardboard and shrink wrap. If you are not shipping enough converters to fill the gaylord, cut and fold over the sides, then tape and shrink wrap or use steel banding. With this method, we receive a minimum of 30 converters up to 150 converters or more in a gaylord box.
If you are a wholesale supplier we prefer drums or gaylords, so please inform us of the approximate weight of the O2sensors. We issue purchase order contracts for your supply, or you can invoice us for the net sensor weight you ship. Furthermore, Your oxygen sensor recycling price isprotected from the date of shipment through the date it isreceived.
Reviews (6)
W. Bt Web Blockchain Transition
Oct 14, 2021
Ultimate Freight Quote
Oct 12, 2021
Mark Markmyself Im
Aug 13, 2021
Ok I’m sitting here thinking about selling to this company who to me clearly doesn’t seem to get that google can kill customers,as all I read was the same generic answer written over and over to complaints, even if all the negative reviews aren’t true the way the company handled the response is enough to worn my spider senses that there’s probably some truth to the negative reviews,so for Safey sense ,and court fees, I wouldn’t consider shipping my flat bed containers worth of stripped metals equally to over a 3 months worth and 5 employees stripping 8 hrs a day,that’s too much of a
Yrg Dee
Apr 01, 2021
Samir Jusic
Mar 28, 2021
Jeve Hamidovic
Mar 25, 2021