It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Pennsylvania High School Speech League. Founded in 1961, our organization offers high school students the opportunity to compete with their peers while developing advanced communication skills. Please take a few minutes to look around, and see how our organization can benefit you, your children, your school, and your community.
Communication is the cornerstone of a society. Scholarly communication builds a stronger foundation, forging the leaders of tomorrow through forensic skills developed in their youth. Skills learned through competitive speaking events, debate and drama include vocabulary expansion, diction, poise and confidence.
Communication is the cornerstone of a society. Scholarly communication builds a stronger foundation, forging the leaders of tomorrow through forensic skills developed in their youth. Skills learned through competitive speaking events, debate and drama include vocabulary expansion, diction, poise and confidence.
The previous method of qualifying through each respective District Qualifier Tournament will remain largely unchanged, including event participation thresholds for qualifiers. A new method will be introduced called the "Bid System, " which will grant competitors the ability to qualify to the State Tournament for consistent, exceptional performance in tournaments throughout the school year.
Bids for all students in PA schools are listed in the dropdown section below. All tournaments listed under "Pulled Tournaments" have had their results pulled and aggregated. If you see a discrepancy, please first double check the "Pulled Tournaments" and make sure that all of the tournaments that a competitor has participated in have been pulled.
If you run into any issues during the Tournament (regardless of if you're a coach, student, judge, or otherwise innocent bystander), please TEXT, DO NOT CALL, one of the help lines below. Include the following information when contacting the Help Lines:. Competitors will be afforded up to 10 minutes of technology time during the round.
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