Over 1,000,000 Adjustable Beds are now in use in customer bedrooms around the world and attest to the fact that our unique beds are as durable as they are attractive and comfortable. We here at Adjustablebed. TV hope your experience with our company is both a pleasant and rewarding one.
From your very first request for information through the day an Adjustable Sleep System Or Adjustable Bed Mattress is placed in your bedroom, and beyond, we'll endeavor to make you a satisfied customer.Click through our web pages and discover why Adjustable Beds Direct markets the very finest sleep systems modern sleep technology can offer!
From your very first request for information through the day an Adjustable Sleep System Or Adjustable Bed Mattress is placed in your bedroom, and beyond, we'll endeavor to make you a satisfied customer.Click through our web pages and discover why Adjustable Beds Direct markets the very finest sleep systems modern sleep technology can offer!
What is Wall Hugging? A Wall Hugging adjustable bed allows you to stay close to your night stand even after you change the bed's position, this is done by the bed sliding backwards at the same time the head is elevated. Wall Hugging can be adjusted to a thousand different positions. It provides individualized support to your head, neck, shoulders, upper and lower back, hip, thighs, legs and feet.
Thank you for considering one of our luxurious adjustable beds. We know there are lots of questions regarding medical benefits of adjustable beds and the massage option. Please read our quick tutorial on adjustable beds and some of the benefits different features can do for you. People with back pain should be especially careful about the type of bed and mattress they sleep on.
Any mention of companies and site links given from customers testimonials are not directly the opinion of our company. We do however check the validity of any posted complaints about other companies to assure they are accurate and true. If you're a company that believes a link or statement is false, call us and we will verify it's validity and remove anything untrue.
Low Back Pain: Elevate the head of the bed to a 30 degree angle and slightly bend the bed at the knee. This may require minor adjustments until you feel most comfortable. Poor Local Blood Circulation of the Legs: Elevate the lower portion (foot) of the bed from 30 to 45 degrees. Reducing Edema Or Swelling of the Legs: Elevate the lower portion (foot) of the bed from 30 to 45 degrees.
We manufacture organic memory foam mattresses, natural latex mattresses, fantastic wrapped coil mattresses, NOT cheap innersprings. We also make a luxurious Airbed Collection compared to Sleep Number - We can custom build any combination of mattress you request. Soft, Medium Or Firm Options Available.
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