Mindful Living Center
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Mindful Living Center
Learn how to be more present in your everyday interactions while reducing stress, anxiety, and depression with our transformational meditation classes and workshops. Our Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) workshops blend ancient wisdom and modern medical research, creating one of the most effective programs for healthy living available today.

Develop greater balance, control, and participation in your life, realizing greater health and happiness. Certified MBSR instructor with 20 years experience of teaching Mindfulness. See below for information on upcoming Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction workshops, individual MBSR sessions, and free meditation practice opportunities.
The Mindful Living Center was developed to allow convenient access to mindfulness-based programs and workshops. Our research-based stress reduction programs are rooted in Eastern Psychology and Philosophy which has taken a mind / body approach to health and healing for centuries and modern Western medicine.
The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program from Mindful Living Center, LLC is designed to guide you in using your innate abilities to more effectively work with stress, pain, and illness. This life-affirming program is for people who have work, family or financial stress, or who experience anxiety, depression, fatigue, sleep disturbances, GI distress, high blood pressure, or chronic pain and illness.
Free monthly talk and mindfulness practice, exploring different and related topics around mindfulness on the second Friday of each month. To Register or for more information - contact Mike at- mfhealy@bellsouth.net or via the contact form. Ancient wisdom and modern science are blended in this workshop, creating one of the most effective programs for healthy and happy living available today.
Mindful Living Center, LLC is committed to providing workshops and classes that enhance the health and happiness of our clients throughout the greater Athens, GA community. We like to think our clients enjoy our classes as much as we do. I have been an educator for 35 years and can say without a doubt that Mike Healy is an excellent teacher.
In preparation for the Awareness of Breath Meditation we will start with a few minutes of gentle stretching with awareness or chair yoga. We gently stretch the body while paying attention to those physical sensations that are most predominate as we 1) stretch our hands up over our head, 2) then we'll do neck rotations in three directions, 3).
Reviews (1)
Terrell Moore Bennett
Terrell Moore Bennett
Oct 26, 2019
I am halfway through an 8 week mindfulness meditation course led by Mike Healy and it is the single best things I have ever done...besides give birth to 4 kids! Enlightening, renewing, relaxing...I wish everyone could experience it!