Stillness Healing Arts
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Karen Miller is a true healer. We are all seeking healing on one level or another. As we go forth in the world we're each, striving to find balance and a clearer/keener sense of self-awareness. Or perhaps, we just want to try energy-balancing and see what it's about. For me, coming to see Karen was a truly profound and unexpected gift.

I've gone to 5 appts and each time have noticed subtle, positive shifts in my self-awareness and perspective. Have you ever seen the bumper sticker, "The Goddess is alive and Magic is afoot?" I believe it's true. We all have the ability to heal within us. We just need guidance and a helping hand. In closing; My experience of Reiki Energy Balancing at Stillness Healing Arts has been very positive.
Mindfulness can be defined as "a moment-to-moment awareness of one's experience without judgment." Meditation is one technique we use to cultivate this skill. Join us from wherever you are for a mid-week break. We can train attention and focus with Mindfulness Practice. We can use that attention in a kind and nonjudgmental way to ground into the body, releasing tension, and creating a refuge from the stresses of daily life.
This six-week introductory training in mindfulness will teach you to develop a focused and embodied attention, self awareness, emotional intelligence, and greater sense of ease and well being. You will learn a variety of mindfulness meditations and practical ways to integrate mindfulness into daily activities at work, home and in relationships.
Do you have trouble sleeping? Are you stressed or experiencing anxiety? Do you feel "stuck" in your life and lack clarity for how to move forward towards your goals? Are you undergoing medical treatment for disease and wondering what else you can do to complement your treatment and support your healing?
Reviews (3)
L. A. Blanchard
L. A. Blanchard
Feb 06, 2020
Had a wonderful session with Karen. She was warm, compassionate, listened while I told her why I was there, and then walked me through a guided meditation to help me relax while she worked. I don't know how Reiki works, but I do know that it does. I have had it 3-4 times, with other practioners out of state, and each time, I feel more relaxed and rested then if I'd had a massage. My session with Karen was just what I was looking for. Felt like a warm hug. I saw someone I knew right afterwards and she asked if I'd just gotten back from a vacation, said I looked so rested and happy. Slept better
Dajue Hodges
Dajue Hodges
Feb 02, 2019
This is an experience that actually recharged me. The room was quiet and relaxing. I felt like I was floating I was so relaxed. Definitely will do again.
German Shepherd Fan
German Shepherd Fan
Oct 08, 2018
Karen Miller is a true healer... and I'm so glad I've found her.
We are all seeking healing on one level or another.
As we each go forth in the world, striving to find balance and a clearer/keener sense of self-awareness..Or perhaps, we just want to try energy-balancing and see what it's about.
For me, coming to see Karen was a profound and unexpected gift. I've gone to 5 appts and each time have noticed subtle, positive shifts in my self-awareness and perspective.
Have you ever seen the bumper sticker, "The Goddess is alive and Magic is afoot?" I believe it's true.. We have the ability within