NTHSRA is an association across North Texas consisting of high school students, grades 9-12, who participate in rodeos held mainly in Saginaw, Texas. We are celebrating our 48th year, which runs September through May. While rodeo is not recognized as a regular high school varsity sport, no other athletic activity in history was ever developed which so embodies the traditions in history of an entire way of life.
The events in rodeo grew out of actual day-to-day duties of the American cowboy, or were dreamed up to further test the courage, stamina and ability of these Westerners. One of the most unique aspects of high school rodeo is that these athletes compete on the same stock that is used by college and professional rodeo contestants.
The events in rodeo grew out of actual day-to-day duties of the American cowboy, or were dreamed up to further test the courage, stamina and ability of these Westerners. One of the most unique aspects of high school rodeo is that these athletes compete on the same stock that is used by college and professional rodeo contestants.
NTHSRA is no longer able to announce individual sponsors during contestants runs. We are now asking that contestants that want to promote their sponsors to provide the information and visual that they would want to advertise in the Main Rodeo Building. IT IS NOT GUARANTEED, however every effort will be made to keep this Sponsors board updated with information provided.
I'm Savannah Misner your 2021-2022 NTHSRA queen and President of the Triumph Rodeo Team. I love competing in barrels, pole bending, and walk up goat tying. Residing in North Texas, I spend my days taking online classes at Liberty University and taking care of my horses Liberty and Justice. Please feel free to contact me at missnthsra@nthsra.org and follow me on my social media accounts.