Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center is a private, non-profit agency dedicated to serving families and individuals who provide care for brain impaired individuals and frail elderly. CareNav, a secure online portal, is a tool to access resources and manage services available to caregivers at Del Oro CRC. Sign up for a CareNav account to receive support throughout your unique caregiving experience.
Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center is an independent, private, non-profit program funded by the Department of Health Care Services, Area 4 Agency on Aging, grants and private contributions. Del Oro offers a host of free services to unpaid family caregivers in Northern California's Gold Country counties -- Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Colusa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba.
Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center is a private nonprofit agency dedicated to improving the wellbeing of family caregivers throughout their journey. We offer services to family caregivers of adults with chronic and disabling conditions or diseases. With a team of highly-qualified, professional staff, Del Oro helps families through a full range of programs and services.
We are looking to fill several volunteer positions at Del. Whether you can spare a few hours each week or make a more significant time commitment, please consider helping our organization further its mission to care for families who care. Office Help-We rely on volunteers to help us with office tasks.
Please call (916) 728-9333 or toll free at (800) 635-0220 to speak with a member of our staff who will conduct an initial screening before setting up an intake appointment with a Family Consultant. CareNav is a free and secure online service that allows you to access quality information and support as you navigate your unique caregiving experience.
Need help getting set up with Zoom? Please check out this easy-to-use "Zoom Training for All" guide, developed by our partners at Yolo Hospice. Each month, Del Oro partners with its 11 sister agencies across the California Caregiver Resource Center system to give unpaid family caregivers expanded access to online education and training on a diverse set of topics and in different languages.
Reviews (3)
Ccc Sss
Oct 09, 2018
Del Oro provides support and guidance for those of us who find ourselves thrust into a caregiving role in life. Their expert counseling has been a godsend to us as we try to navigate the unpredictable course of our family member’s Parkinson’s Disease.
Del Oro also helped us with ongoing support as we struggle with the changes wrought by this devastating progressive disease. Every person on their staff has been compassionate, kind and always helpful.
Caring for a loved one in the throes of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s can be extremely traumatic and bewildering to the family, and isolating
Del Oro also helped us with ongoing support as we struggle with the changes wrought by this devastating progressive disease. Every person on their staff has been compassionate, kind and always helpful.
Caring for a loved one in the throes of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s can be extremely traumatic and bewildering to the family, and isolating
Melinda Shaver
Feb 01, 2018
Royal Legacy Aj
Oct 17, 2016