We are happy to announce that we now offer an Acupuncture Only Membership in addition to our Comprehensive Membership plan. We ask that if you are sick or think you might be, please call or schedule a virtual visit online. Please do not come into the clinic if you are feeling ill without consulting with us over the phone or via virtual visit first.
Naturopathic medicine is a unique form of medicine that emphasizes prevention of illness, addressing the root cause of illness, and supporting the body's innate healing abilities. Our go to treatments include nutrition, stress management, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, and spinal manipulation to address your illness.
Naturopathic medicine is a unique form of medicine that emphasizes prevention of illness, addressing the root cause of illness, and supporting the body's innate healing abilities. Our go to treatments include nutrition, stress management, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, and spinal manipulation to address your illness.
This refers to the basic building blocks that are needed to sustain or promote one's health. The foundations are often the first place a naturopathic doctor will start to move someone out of a disease state and into a more vital one. The foundations of health always include things like nutritious food, clean water, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, family/social life, and spiritual beliefs.
This is not a comprehensive list of treatments offered, but will provide some information about Desert Rain's commonly use therapies. As a part of ancient medicine, acupuncture is more than 3000 years old. Acupuncture along with diet, herbal medicine, and other techniques like tui na and cupping, combine to make a complete healthcare system.
At Desert Rain we feel strongly that EVERYONE should be able to get the care they need. That is why both our Fee for Service and Membership rates are so reasonable. With our membership, a single person can get naturopathic and acupuncture care for only $95 per month and a family of 4 for only $200 per month.
If you did not already do so on your intake forms, please either bring a list of all the supplements you are taking (including dose and brand names) OR bring the supplement bottles with you to the visit. If you only have hard copies of past lab work and were unable to send it electronically, please bring in a copy for us to add to your file.
Reviews (1)
Steven E.
Jan 22, 2021