Michael Twitty has taken his show around the world several times, from the dynamic "Michael Twitty Show", to the critically acclaimed "Memories of Conway Show", to the remarkable "Twitty Bird Show". His many television appearances, video releases and recordings have brought him even more recognition on an international level.
From Canada to Japan, Michael Twitty has won fans time and time again. Recently, Michael has been taking his "Memories of Conway" show to various casinos and theaters around the country. Michael takes you down memory lane, while he shares his thoughts of his Dad in story and song. He will make you laugh, make you cry and he will definitely entertain you.
From Canada to Japan, Michael Twitty has won fans time and time again. Recently, Michael has been taking his "Memories of Conway" show to various casinos and theaters around the country. Michael takes you down memory lane, while he shares his thoughts of his Dad in story and song. He will make you laugh, make you cry and he will definitely entertain you.
In 2004 the owners of the historical movie theatre (West Theatre) was given to a group of citizens in George West. It was decided that the theatre could be renovated and made into a performing arts theatre. Thus the Dobie West Performing Arts Theatre in George West was established. After years of grant applications, raffles, dinners, the Dobie West Performing Arts Theatre was a reality.