I began remodeling to provide for my family. Having a basic skill-set and an aptitude for learning got me started, then I found that working with my hands was extremely rewarding on a personal level. Over the years though, I've added additional skills and honed the ones I already had. So now while I provide for my family I also work to put a smile on my clients' faces.
Besides the monetary reward, a smile and spoken gratitude for a job well done is what keeps me going. When I do a project, I want you to be excited about my work. I don't look at it as just a job - I want you to call me any time you need something. Sometimes that something may be small and not profitable, but that's ok.
Besides the monetary reward, a smile and spoken gratitude for a job well done is what keeps me going. When I do a project, I want you to be excited about my work. I don't look at it as just a job - I want you to call me any time you need something. Sometimes that something may be small and not profitable, but that's ok.
At Chisholm Trail Carpentry near Enid, Oklahoma, we offer high-end custom cabinets and remodeling at very reasonable prices. We have all the tools and milling space to handle any job from matching a cabinet door to full custom kitchen and bath remodels. We also have software to help you design your project and allow you to see and approve the design before we start.
We believe that almost anyone can build a cabinet. Yes, you read that correctly. Building a cabinet is not that difficult. However, building a great looking custom cabinet that fits your exact needs with the finish of your choice is NOT a simple task and that's where we come in. At Chisholm Trail Carpentry our goal is not simply to build cabinets.
Home builders, do you want an edge over your competition? These days you have to catch a buyer's attention. One of the best ways to impress prospective home buyers is with custom cabinetry. Chisholm Trail Carpentry can help you get the quality on every level from a spec to a high-end custom home and on almost any budget.
When people call us to consider a project, they usually have a pretty good idea of what they want it to look like. They have pictures cut from magazines, color samples, etc. But there is still a long way to go. We begin by asking a lot of questions to get a feel for what you have envisioned. Sometimes it is challenging to get the vision on paper.