Raymond Marx Financial was founded in 1992 to provide personal and comprehensive financial planning expertise. We take pride in putting our clients' interest first and fostering relationships based on trust, unparalleled service and integrity. Additionally, Raymond Marx Financial, Inc. has a team of highly trained professionals to support and uphold a high ethical and professional standard, with offices in Florida.
In a world of financial turmoil, Raimund Marx brings assurance to his clients that it is possible to have a secure retirement with the proper planning. As your partner in retirement, we offer products and services that will assist you in every aspect of your financial needs. This includes financial and retirement planning, investment and risk management, tax strategies, income planning (which may contain insurance products), and estate planning.
In a world of financial turmoil, Raimund Marx brings assurance to his clients that it is possible to have a secure retirement with the proper planning. As your partner in retirement, we offer products and services that will assist you in every aspect of your financial needs. This includes financial and retirement planning, investment and risk management, tax strategies, income planning (which may contain insurance products), and estate planning.
Investment advisor representative with Raymond Marx Financial Advisory Group, Inc., a fiduciary Registered Investment Advisory firm. Licensed insurance agent with Raymond Marx Financial, Inc. Raimund is the Founder and President of Raymond Marx Financial, Inc., a licensed insurance agency, as well as Raymond Marx Financial Advisory Group, Inc., a fiduciary Registered Investment Advisory firm.
Taxes are one of the single largest expenses we have, yet we spend so little time considering ways we can keep Uncle Sam out of our pockets. At Raymond Marx Financial, we review your tax return from a different point of view than your CPA. While your CPA looks backward to see how much tax you owe, we look forward and consider various strategies to make your plan tax-efficient.
Estate plans need to be designed and executed with a high level of attention to detail in order to minimize related taxes for your family and heirs, allow your assets to pass on outside of probate court, and to make sure your final wishes are carried out exactly as you planned. Even small mistakes can prove to be very expensive and invalidate legal documents.
We've all had those days. Those mornings over the course of our careers when getting out of bed and going to work was the last thing we wanted to do, but you did. You worked hard for decades and you've finally done it. You reached the point where you're ready to retire. That first Monday when you sleep in as late as you want.
Investment management does not have to be complicated to achieve the best results. It starts with your goals, time horizon and risk tolerance and ends with a comprehensive financial plan that mitigates your exposure to risk, minimizes your tax liability and maximizes your potential returns.
At Raymond Marx Financial Services, we pride ourselves on taking the time to educate every client on the options available to them so that you have the opportunity to understand the big picture and make educated investment decisions with our personalized guidance.We are different from most other financial advisors you've met with before.
At Raymond Marx Financial Services, we pride ourselves on taking the time to educate every client on the options available to them so that you have the opportunity to understand the big picture and make educated investment decisions with our personalized guidance.We are different from most other financial advisors you've met with before.
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