After living a life of Reiki for 30 years you would think the magic of its synchronistic occurrences would be commonplace; students hear me say frequently, "Trust and Surrender and allow Reiki to handle the details" and yet each day Reiki continues to bring the most enchanting surprises. The Hawaiian Islands draws clients and students.
I am initiated into Reiki. My latest Journey has been an investment in giving my son many distant treatments for his difficult life journey. He has a "chemical imbalance" and this puts him in a vulnerable position. Life is filled with many adventures and partnerships. Some will say they are victims of terrible life experiences.
I am initiated into Reiki. My latest Journey has been an investment in giving my son many distant treatments for his difficult life journey. He has a "chemical imbalance" and this puts him in a vulnerable position. Life is filled with many adventures and partnerships. Some will say they are victims of terrible life experiences.
More and more scientific studies are being conducted and research projects funded as Reiki continues to be integrated into our various health care systems.
Financed by the National Institutes of Health center for complementary and alternative medicine, and published in the Journal of Orthopedic Research, the tightly controlled three-year study suggests that test-tube cells grew better when people trained in reiki touch therapy passed their hands over the containers.The cell cultures received two 10-minute treatments a week for two weeks.
Financed by the National Institutes of Health center for complementary and alternative medicine, and published in the Journal of Orthopedic Research, the tightly controlled three-year study suggests that test-tube cells grew better when people trained in reiki touch therapy passed their hands over the containers.The cell cultures received two 10-minute treatments a week for two weeks.
Shalandra Abbey has been practicing Reiki Natural Healing since 1989 and teaching Reiki in Hawaii and around the globe full-time since 1991. She resigned from the IBM corporation in 1990 because she found an exciting, simple way, for people of all ages, religions, and cultural backgrounds, to work with the energy that is all around them, to promote their health and well-being.
The perfect companion book to any Reiki practice, from beginner to practitioner, Living a Life of Reiki takes you on a personal journey that supports new students and enriches the lives of current practitioners. Within these pages you will find a comprehensive study on Usui Shiki Ryoho (Usui System of Natural Healing) and a path towards greater health, love and harmony in your life.
Reviews (2)
D. M.
Sep 11, 2017
Amazing Reiki Classes given by Reiki Master Shalandra Abbey. My spouse and I received First Degree Training in 2011 and then approximately 1 year later we received Second Degree Reiki Training and all 3 of Our Sons were so impressed with Reiki and the healing we could offer with Reiki that they all proceeded to train in First Degree Reiki classes at the time we completed our 2nd Degree training. Now our sons at the time were ages: 7,9 and 19 years old and YES the 7 year old completed the training just like his brothers and was equally, if not more enthusiastic, with his new found abilities of REIKI
Diane L.
Apr 01, 2017
Shalandra Abbey is an incredible Reiki Master! I've received much healing during my Reiki Treatments with her, important emotional healing occurred during my sessions which led to better physical health, as I was battling a virus that cleared up after my treatments. I also took all three levels of her Reiki Training which enhanced my life immensely creating positive changes on the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual levels. I highly recommend receiving treatments and training from Shalandra for she is an absolute virtuoso in her field.