Are you or someone you know looking for employment? In this day and age, employment may be hard to come by if you are sending out resume after resume on your own. With All Temps Personnel Service, you can get your foot in the door for a position you will truly enjoy. As an employer, you can count on us to make expert matches for your open positions and provide transportation so that your employees will always be on time.
Based out of Corpus Christi, Texas, we serve all of Texas and, with our GSA Certification, have the ability to staff nationwide. CURRENT JOB OPPORTUNITIES (all positions are in Corpus Christi, TX unless otherwise noted).
Based out of Corpus Christi, Texas, we serve all of Texas and, with our GSA Certification, have the ability to staff nationwide. CURRENT JOB OPPORTUNITIES (all positions are in Corpus Christi, TX unless otherwise noted).
When you count on All Temps Personnel Service in Corpus Christi, Texas, you can rest assured that our staffing services are top-notch. We have high standards for prospective employees, and they go through a series of tests in order to meet the proficiencies employers seek. We also provide transportation to employees so they get to your job site on time.
Employee Risk Management Co., Inc. offers a wide range of support services throughout the employee staff services evaluation process. ERMC's approach to employee staff leasing services provides an "apples-to-apples" comparison of benefits of several of the largest and best-run employee staff leasing services companies, locally and throughout the United States.