With over 40 years of experience as a psychic medium, Sally Thompson offers psychic readings that will leave you in awe. The psychic readings offered at Mystic Shop involve your past, present, and future. Whether you are interested in a particular type of reading, or are merely curious about Mystic Shop's psychic abilities, we welcome you to contact us.
You will be amazed with the information we can provide. We hope to hear from you soon. Mystic Shop provides many forms of psychic readings, including tarot card readings. With tarot card readings, you will choose a pile of cards, which Sally will use to read your future. The pile of cards is random, of course, because you are choosing it yourself.
You will be amazed with the information we can provide. We hope to hear from you soon. Mystic Shop provides many forms of psychic readings, including tarot card readings. With tarot card readings, you will choose a pile of cards, which Sally will use to read your future. The pile of cards is random, of course, because you are choosing it yourself.
Mystic Shop DC - Sally Thompson, owner of Mystic Shop, is a highly experienced psychic medium. She has been using her gift to spiritually counsel people and provide them with psychic readings for over 40 years. She welcomes all people, as she enjoys providing a unique reading for each client. Sally can analyze your past, present, and future based on the energy she feels from you.
Sally Thomson, the owner of Mystic Shop, has over forty years of experience as a psychic medium. She welcomes those with a curious nature, who desire to learn more about themselves relative to their past, present, and future. Before you give Sally any background information, she will be able to read various aspects of your life that will surely amaze you.
Chakra reading involves seven points of light that radiate from your body in the form of energy. Sahasrara: As the state of pure consciousness, it is represented by the color white. The symbol for sahasrara is a lotus flower with a thousand petals, and can be found at or above the crown of the head.
At Mystic Shop, you can receive spiritual counseling to help you regain balance in your life. If something is bothering you, and you want to feel spiritual relief, Sally Thompson is the psychic to call. Sally will implement her forty years of experience, and the techniques she has perfected to solve your deeply rooted issues.
Psychic Reading Services DC - Mystic Shop offers a wide array of psychic readings. Whether you are seeking a medium who can help you connect with relatives who have passed, or you desire to be informed about your future, Sally can help you. She uses various tools, including crystals, aromatherapy, and tarot cards, to provide you with a psychic reading.