Kaba Medical Supplies
Kaba Medical Supplies
At Kaba Medical Corporation, we have a vast product line of Durable Medical Equipment and Soft Goods. If you do not see exactly what you are looking for just let us know and we will be pleased to source it for you. We carry all items from our Affiliates. If you see an item you would like from Swede-O or Dalton Medical, just write down the Item Number and Kaba Medical will place an order for you!.
A Mobility Aid: is a device designed to assist walking or otherwise improve the mobility of people with a mobility impairment. There are various walking aids which can help people with impaired ability to walk and wheelchairs or mobility scooters for more severe disability or longer journeys which would otherwise be undertaken on foot.
Bath safety: is essential for people of all ages, from toddlers to the elderly. The bathroom is the most dangerous room in the house, with slippery surfaces that are easy to fall on and sharp corners where someone can hit their head. Because bath safety is so important to prevent falls and allow seniors to main their independence, a wide variety of bath safety products are available to provide stability and assistance when needed.
A wheelchair: is a manually operated or power-driven device designed primarily for use by an individual with a mobility disability for the main purpose of indoor, or of both indoor and outdoor, locomotion.

Individuals with mobility disabilities must be permitted to use wheelchairs and manually powered mobility aids, i.e., walkers, crutches, canes, braces, or other similar devices designed for use by individuals with mobility disabilities, in any areas open to pedestrian traffic.A wheelchair, often abbreviated to just "chair", is a chair with wheels, used when walking is difficult or impossible due to illness, injury, or disability.
Whether your pain is from arthritis, cancer treatments, fibromyalgia, or an old injury, you need to find a way to get your pain under control. What's the best approach to do that? The first step in pain management is scheduling an appointment with your doctor to determine the cause of your pain and learn which pain management approach is often the most effective for it.
Urinary incontinence: Is the loss of bladder control is a common and often embarrassing problem. The severity ranges from occasionally leaking urine when you cough or sneeze to having an urge to urinate that's so sudden and strong you don't get to a toilet in time. If urinary incontinence affects your daily activities, don't hesitate to see your doctor.
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