At our chiropractic care center, our mission isn't just to get you well-it's to keep you well. Dr. Bob Martinez will address your concerns with the most conservative and effective care possible. The team at Health and Wellness of Central Florida will do everything we can to revitalize your well-being.
To do that, we dive deep and uncover the root cause of your health concerns. Before recommending a care plan, Dr. Bob will meet with you. He will ask several questions regarding your medical history to determine if chiropractic is right for you. Next, Dr. Bob uses the V5- COREscore, an assessment to measure Form & Balance, Function, Fuel, Dynamic Movement Pattern, and Cognitive Function.
To do that, we dive deep and uncover the root cause of your health concerns. Before recommending a care plan, Dr. Bob will meet with you. He will ask several questions regarding your medical history to determine if chiropractic is right for you. Next, Dr. Bob uses the V5- COREscore, an assessment to measure Form & Balance, Function, Fuel, Dynamic Movement Pattern, and Cognitive Function.
Since 2006, Health and Wellness of Central Florida has been helping Spring Hill residents achieve health and wellness through a holistic approach to care. Over one decade later, Dr. Bob and his compassionate team continue to deliver quality care that promotes natural healing. Health and Wellness of Central Florida was founded upon strong belief in holistic health.
Louise's passion for Reflexology began over thirty years ago, when her husband was suffering from sciatica, as a young man. A friend of the family who practiced reflexology helped him overcome this affliction when the medical alternatives were not feasible.
In 1999, Louise began studying and practicing Reflexology, and has since helped clients, as well as friends and family members, deal with issues such as chronic headaches, migraine headaches, diabetes, asthma, stress, anxiety, to name just a few.In addition to Reflexology studies, Louise has also been certified in personal fitness training, senior health and fitness, and skincare.
In 1999, Louise began studying and practicing Reflexology, and has since helped clients, as well as friends and family members, deal with issues such as chronic headaches, migraine headaches, diabetes, asthma, stress, anxiety, to name just a few.In addition to Reflexology studies, Louise has also been certified in personal fitness training, senior health and fitness, and skincare.
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When Dr. Bob was just 24 years old, he suffered a neck injury after being in a motorcycle accident. Though medical doctors recommended surgery to repair the damage, a friend suggested he try chiropractic. After receiving care, he was amazed at how much better he felt, and how his body had healed and regenerated itself without medical intervention.
Chiropractic was formalized as a healing discipline when Daniel David Palmer founded the Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1897. He believed that altered nerve flow caused "dis-ease" (disease), and that misaligned spinal vertebrae had an effect on nerve flow that can contribute dysfunction including back pain, muscle weakness, muscle imbalance and much more.
Reviews (9)
Trish Costanzo
Oct 08, 2021
The best chiropractor that I have ever been to! Both Colleen and Dr Bob are very polite and professional! This has been the only office that I leave relaxed and practically pain free. I will not go anywhere else! All other chiropractors have made me feel creeped out, uncomfortable and I was always in more pain leaving than I was going in and felt that extra pain for a week later. Never again! Mr Bob is the man!
Elisabeth Butterfield
Dec 12, 2019
In under three visits over the past few months with Dr Bob Martinez I have considerably reduced the amount of inflammation in my body overall to the tune of many pounds and inches lost and I'm NOT dieting!!!!… The V5 system that I was introduced to at his office opened my eyes to an entire holistic way of seeing what was making me 'sick'/unwell is really what it was. This was perfect timing, New Year, New Me!!! Foresight is 2020 Hindsight is so 2019!!!
Diana Lynn Aurelio
Sep 27, 2019
Cheri Crystal Lyle
Mar 21, 2019
I had excruciating pain in my trapezius for over a year. It was continually spasmodic. Doc Robert literally had a plan immediately and broke up the scar tissue and I can’t believe the relief I feel daily. It’s been several months! That’s priceless. He listens and is such a Caring Intelligent Doctor. The Staff feels like family also!
Sarah Duncan
Jan 27, 2019
April of 2018 I started seeing Dr. Bob to help me with my nutrition, as I wanted to be well again (was almost 40 and a mess). In 6 months my blood pressure went from 241 to 189, lost 27 lbs & my episodes of irritable bowl and indigestion are almost totally gone. He helped me change my life - day by day I try to keep on track. I still visit monthly for accountability checks.
Shirley Anderson
Jan 11, 2018
Carol Buonomo
Aug 05, 2017
Carrie Haggerty
Jul 07, 2017
Lauren O'Brien Jolly
Jul 11, 2016
It took me a long time to find the right Chiropractor and I am glad I waited. Dr. Martinez is wonderful and has a great way with his patients. He takes the time to get to know who you are and what your needs are. He truly cares about your health and wants to improve it and help you to have a healthier life. Thanks Dr. Martinez!