Maximize success by expanding your own network. Our expert insight into influencers and decision-makers throughout the specification process enables us to engage faster with strategically targeted messaging that triggers action at any stage of your sales funnel. Over three decades we have built industry connections that build industry business - from architects, interior designers and contractors to trade editors and social media influencers.
Our VIP network is your direct connection to unique opportunities that get tangible results. Our process begins by reviewing your sales funnel to identify gaps and determine where it could use a boost. Then we provide a strategy with recommended tactics that shore up those gaps and work toward your sales goals.
Our VIP network is your direct connection to unique opportunities that get tangible results. Our process begins by reviewing your sales funnel to identify gaps and determine where it could use a boost. Then we provide a strategy with recommended tactics that shore up those gaps and work toward your sales goals.
We are experts with decades of experience in B2B strategy, channel marketing, influencer connections, online engagement and creative design. Our familiarity with the building products landscape is your shortcut to success. When other agencies would still be getting up to speed on your business, we've already hit the ground running on the way to results.
Over three decades working with clients and audiences throughout all stages of the design and construction process has enabled us to build a network of industry connections that we leverage to build business on behalf of our clients. Stoner Bunting's network includes architects, designers, contractors, trade editors and social media influencers in both commercial and residential building.
The sales funnel is a great way to envision how individuals move through the customer journey. But in the home and building products industry, with issues like specification, value engineering and contractor substitution at play, there are always multiple audiences to consider. As experts in the specification process and channels involved, Stoner Bunting specialized in connecting manufacturers with all of their audiences.
It's a roadmap that takes you from where you are now to where you want to be. While our process for developing a strategy is consistent, each strategy is unique, because each client has a unique starting point and destination. Protecting and expanding a market leader's dominance requires a very different strategy than helping a number three manufacturer gain additional distribution in the marketplace.
It starts with an objective and a ballpark budget. It ends up as a roadmap to get you from where you are now to where you want to be. And like everything else we do, our familiarity with the specification process and the key players involved in it makes our plans more effective from the start.
Stoner Bunting is structured to fit in wherever our clients need us to support their marketing teams, but the clients who value us most and get the most benefit from the relationship are those who partner with us from the beginning, starting with strategic planning.
Stoner Bunting is structured to fit in wherever our clients need us to support their marketing teams, but the clients who value us most and get the most benefit from the relationship are those who partner with us from the beginning, starting with strategic planning.
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