Say goodbye to excess garbage with the efficient curbside cleanup and recycling services from Croix Valley Pick-Up. We provide efficient trash removal services throughout the Chisago Lakes area. Whether you need help cleaning up after a remodeling project or you require regularly scheduled residential garbage pickup services, we are here to help in any way we can.
Contact us today to discuss the detail with our trash removal experts. Croix Valley Pick-Up is a garbage collection business that offers reliable residential garbage pickup and recycling services to homeowners throughout the Chisago Lakes area. Additionally, we work closely with remodeling and roofing contractors in the area to provide one-time debris hauling services for all your big projects.
Contact us today to discuss the detail with our trash removal experts. Croix Valley Pick-Up is a garbage collection business that offers reliable residential garbage pickup and recycling services to homeowners throughout the Chisago Lakes area. Additionally, we work closely with remodeling and roofing contractors in the area to provide one-time debris hauling services for all your big projects.
Croix Valley Pick-Up is a family owned and operated business that offers efficient trash removal services. We are a small business, so our focus is on personal services and rapid responses to all of our customers. Call today and let one of our professionals show you how we can help! We are dedicated to serving the needs our clients and proving why we are your first choice for trash removal.
When it comes to curbside cleanup and junk removal services in the Chisago Lakes area, Croix Valley Pick-Up is the only name you need to know. The next time you require our trash removal expertise, contact us to work out a trash pickup schedule. Croix Valley Pick-Up focuses on waste removal, roll off services, and home cleanup projects involving trash removal and recycling services.
Materials accepted - Recyclables must be dry, loose (not bagged) and include ONLY the following. Croix Valley Pick-Up is committed to providing the best environmentally-correct service to the cities in our service area. All containers must be empty and free of metal caps and rings and contain less than 5% food debris.