At the formative age of thirteen, Ken Miller, while working in his father's machine shop, realized his passion for metal fabrication. After years of refining his craft, first with his father and then as a designer fabricator of showroom metal furniture, Ken forged his path into custom ornamental iron with the creation of Steel Magnolia in 1992.
It was the perfect marriage of his love for design and his impeccable craftsmanship and skill with metal. Ken's precision steel and aluminum designs intertwine unique functionality with a variety of finishes. Each Steel Magnolia creation is beautifully hand-crafted to meet Kens strict quality standards.
It was the perfect marriage of his love for design and his impeccable craftsmanship and skill with metal. Ken's precision steel and aluminum designs intertwine unique functionality with a variety of finishes. Each Steel Magnolia creation is beautifully hand-crafted to meet Kens strict quality standards.
Steel Magnolia has been successfully installing automation for twenty years and is a member of the National Ornamental Miscellaneous Metal Association which keeps us abreast of all industry standards and safety measures. All Steel Magnolia automation installations conform to national code UL325 and local code requirements.