Looking for counsel or media relations? Community relations or business writing? Whatever your communications goal, Marilyn Milne uses strategic communications and uncommon service to help you achieve it. At Public Relations Services, you'll receive senior-level expertise and personalized attention.
When Dr. Scott Russi needed a website, we teamed with Jack Wheeler at Blue Hat Design and photographer Andy Nelson to create a professional site. It combines a clean layout with enough information for potential patients so they can decide to work. Willamette Family's Buckley House nurses were first on the scene of a tragic accident.
When Dr. Scott Russi needed a website, we teamed with Jack Wheeler at Blue Hat Design and photographer Andy Nelson to create a professional site. It combines a clean layout with enough information for potential patients so they can decide to work. Willamette Family's Buckley House nurses were first on the scene of a tragic accident.
Kaiser Permanente's Eugene medical and dental professionals produce monthly newspaper columns on a variety of localized health-related topics. Marilyn pitched the column concept and coordinates with the features editor. Marilyn researches each. The 2012 Olympic Trials - Track & Field, held in Eugene, was Marilyn's personal steeplechase, pole vault and 100-meter dash!
Campaigns and strategic actions are successful if they are built on research and experience. Happily, Public Relations Services regularly hits home runs. Please contact us for more information on how we can help you achieve your goals. Serenity Lane's plan to build an in-patient treatment facility in Coburg required rezoning of the site.
Willamette Family's Buckley House nurses were first on the scene of a tragic accident. Their experiences made a good follow-up story to the main news, and Public Relations Services made sure the article was a focus on their professionalism and. The 2012 Olympic Trials - Track & Field, held in Eugene, was Marilyn's personal steeplechase, pole vault and 100-meter dash!
Say something and make it readable: those are our goals when we create newsletters, ads, website and e-mail copy, speeches and brochures. Read on for examples! Blog posts need to say a lot in a small space, and they need to support the organization's overall messaging. For Serenity Lane, Marilyn Milne crafted a series of entries addressing sobriety topics, including Embrace a Sober Summer and Spirituality.
It's a web, web, web, web world! From web content to the sites themselves, Public Relations Services will log on so your communications are effective. From our own site, which was the first for a Eugene public relations firm, to your new site, Public Relations Services is ready to apply research-based writing, technology that works for your audience and search engine optimization so you get noticed in all the right ways.
Reviews (1)
Aug 19, 2016