It's one of the most important days of your life, and you will want to remember it forever with wedding videography. We firmly believe in the value of capturing life's important events and creating timeless films that bring back all the emotions and details for you, your family, and friends, for the years ahead.

Whether you live in Minneapolis, St. Paul, or worldwide, our wedding videography will meet your needs with the experience of over 1,000 wedding films to our credit. We bring an authentic and classic style to telling the story of your day on film, preserving the integrity of your dearest moments. Your Princess Bride film will be the highlight of your future Anniversaries for years to come.
Back when we were first married, I am not sure we knew what we were getting ourselves into. But 3 kids, 1 dog, 3 home office spaces, and nearly 1000 bridal couples later, we are still working together every day and loving it! Through the years, we have invested our life into capturing the most special moments in the lives of our clients, creating authentic, emotional, and memorable films for them to treasure.
It's one of the most important days of your life, and you will want to remember it forever. We believe there are certain events in the life of a family that are the most meaningful and most memorable through the years. We feel truly honored to be a part of capturing on film the traditions, music, spoken words, and celebration that follows and creating the films that tell the story of the day.
The stories of life experiences passed down by the matriarch or patriarch of a family verbally can leave an immeasurable mark on the generations that follow. We are passionate about documenting these narratives, thoughts and feelings in an authentic and personal way, ensuring the life stories of your loved ones are never forgotten.
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