Pain-treating clinicians are constantly searching for medications that improve patient outcomes and/or that can minimize the use of opioids. Perhaps, older treatment modalities just need to be reconsidered. Remedy Health Media, LLC does not, by publication of the advertisements contained herein, express endorsement or verify the accuracy and effectiveness of the products and claims contained therein.
Remedy Health Media, LLC disclaims any liability for damages resulting from the use of any product advertised herein and suggests that readers fully investigate the products and claims prior to purchasing. The views of the authors are not necessarily those of Remedy Health Media, LLC. Practical Pain Management is sent without charge 6 times per year to pain management clinicians in the US.
Remedy Health Media, LLC disclaims any liability for damages resulting from the use of any product advertised herein and suggests that readers fully investigate the products and claims prior to purchasing. The views of the authors are not necessarily those of Remedy Health Media, LLC. Practical Pain Management is sent without charge 6 times per year to pain management clinicians in the US.
Providing evidence-based strategies for the treatment of chronic pain to healthcare providers and consumers in a digestible, practical format. PPM, a property of Remedy Health Media, was founded in the year 2000 to provide in-depth clinical information on a variety of pain conditions and treatment approaches.
A review of the emerging intravenous formulations of known analgesics, tramadol and meloxicam, for the treatment of moderate to moderately severe post-operative pain and acute pain. Between 5 and 10 percent of patients still suffer neuropathic pain twelve to eighteen months following a knee operation.
Low-dose methoxyflurane approved for the short-term relief of acute pain after trauma or interventional procedures. Psychological wounds of trauma are often missed when a patient has experienced physical trauma. Article highlights traumatic responding patterns and considerations for treatment. Do you consider IV opioid administration a "Gold Standard" for acute perioperative pain management?
The author offers anecdotal evidence of ketamine as an anesthetic agent for relieving and reducing episodic as well as chronic cluster headache attacks. John Claude Krusz, PhD, MD, provides 6 case reports where he as employed IV propofol in his out-patient clinic to effectively management otherwise intractable migraine headaches.
Three case studies and a review of current practice guidelines offer insight into treating patients with chronic pain and other symptoms after a sport-related concussion. Children and teens are more likely to have a traumatic brain injury (TBI), including concussion, and take longer to recover than adults.
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