MAZALTOV is a Nurse Registry committed to referring qualified care professionals to individuals that require care at their homes, Day Centers, Independent and Assisted Living Facilities, Memory Care, Hospitals, Rehabs, and Nursing Homes. MAZALTOV HOME CARE is a family name and hiring us it will mean to have an extra family to take care of you or family members.
MAZALTOV goes the extra mile to thoroughly screen the care providers with several tools as required by AHCA. Based on these measures, we perfectly match care providers that are registered with us with the needs of our clients.
MAZALTOV goes the extra mile to thoroughly screen the care providers with several tools as required by AHCA. Based on these measures, we perfectly match care providers that are registered with us with the needs of our clients.
My mother was young when she suffered her first stroke, and was left with very minimal movement on her right-hand side. In a few years, she had two more strokes, and she also has Parkinson's disease. We as a family have seen that this has been and it is emotionally hard, but at the same time, it needs attention and care.
Services provided by independent contractors that are screened for work history, skills competency, references, criminal background, training and education. Our amazing independent contractor, such as Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) or Home Health Aide (HHA) will come at your home and assist with your Instrumental Activities of Daily Living at the privacy and comfort of your own home.
We understand that Companion Care is of paramount importance for the elderly and our goal is that a member of the staff shall provide primarily emotional support and companionship and to improve the quality of life for seniors who are generally healthy and who want to remain independent at home. However, companion care can also include a range of non-medical services that help make a senior's life more manageable.
While we are aware that currently there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, there is care and caring and we believe that the right care approach can help your loved one maintain a high quality of life even in the face of memory loss. Our goal is not to become focused on the diagnosis and symptoms of the disease, but we would rather create a program that focuses on the care and dignity of the person with dementia.
Mazaltov caregivers will fill in the gaps between the skilled physician and occupational therapy visits as well as skilled home nursing visits to your homes. We understand the critical first weeks of coming out of the surgery and our goal is to match your specific needs with our specialized staff to perform after surgery care, so you will get the rest that is needed for the full recovery but indeed respecting your privacy and dignity.