We specialize in Chemical Injection, Salt Water Disposal, Fluid Transfer, Process Packages, Potable Water, and Wastewater as well as many other custom packaged units. Bayou Pumps & Products, Inc. can give you confidence in the design and delivery of your custom system.
Found in the United States, Singapore, UK, Australia, Mexico and many other places across the globe, Bayou Pumps & Products, Inc. delivers consistent high quality performance products to all markets.In a close coupled pump, the impeller is on the same shaft as the electric motor that drives the pump.
Found in the United States, Singapore, UK, Australia, Mexico and many other places across the globe, Bayou Pumps & Products, Inc. delivers consistent high quality performance products to all markets.In a close coupled pump, the impeller is on the same shaft as the electric motor that drives the pump.
Bayou Pumps & Products, Inc. is a recognized company in the field of process fluids, petrochemical, oil & gas, poultry, product development systems, water and wastewater equipment. Since our inception in 1992, we provide sales, service and understanding of our customer's needs. We have been supporting the industrial and municipal marketplaces for over 25 years.
Base Plates & Coupling Guards - Base plate selection is one of the first steps in a good pump installation. A quality pump and motor base extends the life of the pump assembly by a great deal. We make our bases from a variety of materials including channel iron, stainless steel and formed bases. Coupling guards are great additions to a pump assembly.
At TDP(R), our pumps are designed for the most abrasive and erosive particulates, slurries, and sludge. They gently handle the most fragile crystals, sensitive chemicals, and polymer emulsions. TESLA DISK PUMPS are specifically engineered industrial equipment products designed to meet your challenging process requirements.
Thousands of Peerless Pump installations (UL, ULC or FM approved) deliver superior fire protection to facilities worldwide. For over eighty years, Peerless Pump has been offering complete service, from engineering assistance to in-house fabrication to field start-up. Products are designed from a broad selection of pumps, drives, controls, baseplates and accessories.
Sealing System Sets - Cut to length rings in the correct ratio of black and red for a specific application. Sold by the set or in standard shipping boxes. Each set contains the specified number of rings required to fill the stuffing box, plus additional rings for add-a-ring maintenance. Coils - Cut your own rings to fit a variety of shaft sizes throughout your plant.
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