Serving the Big Island of Hawaii is Climbing Arborist, Isaac Nodland, owner-operator of Hawaii Arborist. A seasoned veteran with 17 years of experience, Isaac is a certified Climbing Arborist as well as a certified Production Arborist, and can offer his customers expert, extensive and experienced knowledge in all areas of tree care.
He has had the good fortune of mentoring with several of the most talented and renowned Master Arborists in the pacific northwest. Masters of their craft, imbued with the kind of knowledge and experience that can be gained only painstakingly through their many years in the profession.
He has had the good fortune of mentoring with several of the most talented and renowned Master Arborists in the pacific northwest. Masters of their craft, imbued with the kind of knowledge and experience that can be gained only painstakingly through their many years in the profession.
Serving the Big Island of Hawaii is Climbing Arborist Isaac Nodland. His certifications in "Advanced "Climbing" and "Rescue "Climbing" allow him to undertake the care, maintenance, trimming or complete removal of the Big Island's most massive trees. Many of these giants are located in some of Hawaii Island's most imposing terrain or they are situated in such a way that renders the use of heavy equipment impossible.
Isaac Nodland, aka, Arbor Jockey, would like to hear from you! He would be happy to answer any questions you may have about your trees. The Arbor Jockey page also allows readers to help each other by posting solutions to problems they have overcome. You may have an interesting story to tell about your trees, or you may simply have some interesting trees!
We will meet you at the property and listen carefully as you describe what you need for your trees. Please tell us all of the problems or difficulties you know about or anticipate having with your trees and you'll discover that we know how to solve your problems! Isaac will discuss his solutions with you and, if agreed, Isaac will present you with a carefully considered proposal and scope of work for your job.