There are times in your life when you might feel like things just aren't "right" or that you're stuck in a rut. You might feel unhappy or strangely out of place in your home or in your wider living environment. Perhaps this feeling started after an eye-opening experience you had while travelling overseas or after going through a change in your personal life.
Possibly, you feel out of place in your own home, and cannot understand why. Or, you might find that the things that once made you happy have lost their appeal and no longer fulfill you. According to Feng Shui, the way you arrange your home will help you to put your life back in balance. Once this balance is achieved, Feng Shui Interior Design can also help you maintain and nurture it.
Possibly, you feel out of place in your own home, and cannot understand why. Or, you might find that the things that once made you happy have lost their appeal and no longer fulfill you. According to Feng Shui, the way you arrange your home will help you to put your life back in balance. Once this balance is achieved, Feng Shui Interior Design can also help you maintain and nurture it.
Feng Shui astrology analyses, which is optional (If required please provide DOBs before the consultation) for up to 4 resident family members. Making immediate minor Feng Shui corrections to the property if possible (space clearing and geopathic stress harmonization). Follow-up fine-tuning consultation if necessary once you've done most of the improvements (within 3-6 months).
The food you eat in the dining room nourishes your body. On a deeper level, the feeling of well being and personal connection that comes from eating meals with friends or family nourishes your soul. According to Feng Shui, the dining room is directly associated with wealth and career, and indirectly but vitally related to health.
Hallways transport Ch'i and nourish the rooms of your homes of offices in the same way as your body's bloodstream transports nutrients that nourish your body's cells. Hallways should be bright and clear of clutter to allow Ch'i to flow freely. Some types of hallways can be problematic in Feng Shui because they do not conduct Ch'i effectively.