The Smith Family has been committed to quality, service, and customer satisfaction since 1911. Smith Packing Company is a custom meat processor, food distributor and consolidator that offers storage and transportation services. Today Smith Packing Company complements our focus on fresh provisions with a full line of food service items.
Our extensive product mix allows Smith Packing Company to provide food service solutions for the center of every plate and more. Smith Packing Company features a full line of food service items from many of the top food manufacturers in the United States. Our federally-inspected USDA processing facility offers our regional and export customers access to the finest meats available anywhere in the world.
Our extensive product mix allows Smith Packing Company to provide food service solutions for the center of every plate and more. Smith Packing Company features a full line of food service items from many of the top food manufacturers in the United States. Our federally-inspected USDA processing facility offers our regional and export customers access to the finest meats available anywhere in the world.
Wholesale distributors, ship-chandlers, overseas military subsistence vendors, chain restaurants, retailers and any customers that require global logistics and support for products of the USA, can rely on Smith Packing Company. Smith Packing Company has been awarded the prestigious "E" certificate for exports from the US Department of Commerce and The President of the United States.