Bodies In Balance Orthopedic Massage & Stretch Therapy
The soft tissues of the human body (muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, nerves, etc.) are responsible for more pain, injury and dysfunction than all other systems of the body and can range from a minor nuisance to a life changing limitation.

Chronic pain, repetitive strain and restricted motion can deplete your levels of health and vitality, limit participation & performance in your activities and create a challenging environment for you to exist within.In many cases, conventional medicine tends to focus on alleviating symptoms rather than seeking out and treating the true cause of your pain.
Life and stress seem to go hand in hand. However, the negative and cumulative effects of stress can have serious consequenses to our health. The medical impacts of stress have a direct correlation to increased pain, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal issues, weight gain, decreased immunity, headaches and many more.
Trigger points are an extremely common cause of myofascial pain that is routinely overlooked and underestimated by many conventional healthcare practitioners. Trigger points can form within a muscle when it is traumatized from an injury, overuse, repetitive strain or emotional stress The the muscle forms an adhesion within its fibers in response to this stress and creates a "knot".
Are you an athlete that needs to "get back in the game" or gain a competitive edge in your sport?. Would you like to slow down the aging process and keep your body healthy, active and pain-free? Leave the grueling, old-school static stretches behind! Experience the non-aggressive, pain-free method of assisted stretching that is widely used by elite and professional athletes to enhance performance, prevent injuries and improve recovery.
A comprehensive evaluation/treatment session including detailed history, movement assessments, orthopedic tests, range of motion evaluation and client education. This detailed process exposes the true sources of pain, helps design the best course of treatment and allows for home exercise and self-care training.
In the best interests of our clients, our office does not file insurance claims for treatment services. This permits us the time and freedom to provide quality, one-on-one treatment, education and self-care training without the hassles, restrictions or time constraints inherent when accepting insurance.
Reviews (1)
Gretchen Hogg
Gretchen Hogg
May 31, 2018
I've been a client of Allen Rubin's for years and think he's phenomenal both as an orthopedic massage therapist but also as a stretch therapist. Allen takes the time to educate, he demonstrates therapeutic exercises and shares videos to help strengthen key areas of the body. He's a key part of my physical well-being team. I highly recommend him.