HirschGibney is capable of handling your next urban development project from start to finish. Knowing the environmental and groundwater conditions beneath your development site is critical. Effectively managing contaminants, groundwater, and permitting for your site is even more important; it could be the difference between a build out bonanza or a bona fide bust.
HirschGibney can provide you with reliable site characterization data, to understand the complex nature of the contaminants, and to develop realistic cleanup plans that work and preserve your bottom line. You can trust HirschGibney to be your advocate with the regulators who have jurisdiction over your project.
HirschGibney can provide you with reliable site characterization data, to understand the complex nature of the contaminants, and to develop realistic cleanup plans that work and preserve your bottom line. You can trust HirschGibney to be your advocate with the regulators who have jurisdiction over your project.
From its headquarters in Golden, Colorado, HirschGibney provides expertise in all phases of development. In today's uncertain economic environment, buying or selling real property can be an unmatched investment opportunity or liquidation strategy. As the first step in determining the true value of real property, a quality ESA is prudent to identify liability issues before title is transferred.
By listening and learning about our clients' goals, we provide recommendations that add value to projects. Using integrity, commitment, and common sense, we develop quality environmental programs. By combining our service mission with quality environmental programs, we help our clients achieve their project goals on time, on budget, and in line with environmental quality standards.
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