4 Color Process is the screen printing process of using the common CMYK: Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, Black to achieve a full color screen print on garments or posters. The ink colors are transparent so this process is only used on light colored garments or screen printed on a solid white base of ink. The wide range of colors and the soft feel is a wonderful way of having your art displayed on any type of your apparel.
Simulated Process is the process of creating a full color design on a myriad of colored garments. Due to the transparency of Process colored inks its impossible to screen print a full color design on colored t-shirts using the normal CMYK. The Simulated Process style of screen printing uses custom mixed spot colors to emulate the full color design and often uses the actual color of the shirt to create different colors and shadows.
Simulated Process is the process of creating a full color design on a myriad of colored garments. Due to the transparency of Process colored inks its impossible to screen print a full color design on colored t-shirts using the normal CMYK. The Simulated Process style of screen printing uses custom mixed spot colors to emulate the full color design and often uses the actual color of the shirt to create different colors and shadows.