To make progress in one area -- say, pain reduction in the body -- it's often necessary to address the other parts of an issue as well: how you think about your body, how you feel about being uncomfortable, what this experience means in the bigger picture. Then we help you eliminate the pain. Because if you never bring attention to the Whole You and how you process your experiences, then dis-ease is likely to return, again and again.
Letting us help by coaching you and dealing with the physical issues at the same time means you can be well again, if you choose.
Letting us help by coaching you and dealing with the physical issues at the same time means you can be well again, if you choose.
Our principal specialty is myofascial bodywork. This is a type of hands-on work involving both the muscles and the connective tissue to remove restrictions and other conditions that can cause pain or limitation. Depending on what kind of issues we discover (everybody is different), we will also recommend specific physical stretches that you can do on your own time to improve your overall physical condition.
An hour is the most frequent unit of work we perform. A full hour allows us to address specific issues to produce noticeable results. Depending on the issues to be addressed, we may recommend a one-hour sessions anywhere from twice a week to once a month. There are many things you can do for yourself in between therapy sessions.
In case you haven't noticed, there are antennae everywhere these days and I am sure there are some you actually have not noticed because they are literally camouflaged; some like different kinds of trees others just don't look like antennae at all. One thing to know about these new fixtures in our world is that they are emitting EMFs and microwaves all around us!
We all need clean water for basic survival. Even though most people don't drink as much water every day as they should, water is still the main ingredient in most of what they do drink, including sodas, prepared coffee beverages, fruit juices and more. Bottom line: you need to filter your own water - whether it's for drinking, cooking or bathing.
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