National Association-County Engineers
The National Association of County Engineers is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional association in our 7th decade. We're the voice America depends on for safe, efficient county roads and bridges. Nationwide, counties own and maintain 46% of the nation's roads and 40% of the nation's bridges, making them the single largest stakeholder in local road and bridge construction, rehabilitation, expansion and maintenance.

NACE advocates to federal officials and lawmakers the importance of funding these county-owned assets. Our members rely on NACE for information and awareness on the latest innovations in engineering technology, best practices, management systems, and software. Our members are nearly 3,000 county engineers, road managers, and related professionals in the US and Canada.
The name of the Association shall be the National Association of County Engineers, Incorporated (NACE) an affiliate of the National Association of Counties (NACo). SECTION 2. The Association shall be incorporated as a non-profit organization under the laws of the state of Florida. SECTION 3.

The objectives of the Association are: To promote the use of recognized engineering standards for the design, construction, and maintenance of public works; To promote the spirit of cooperation between city, county, state and Federal agencies; And, by the exchange of ideas, to give all counties in each state the advantages of qualified professional engineering services in all phases of public works.
Application for Voting, Non-Voting or Associate membership shall be made on the forms provided by the Association, and shall be forwarded to the Executive Director. The assignment of Voting Member grade and voting power of each Voting Member shall be in accordance with the annual membership fee policy or other policy as adopted by the Board of Directors of the Association.
An individual who has been an Active Member in good standing for a minimum of 15 years or has served NACE as an officer or Director, and has retired from active participation in County Engineering or the equivalent. Any Life Member who returns to work with a county shall be carried as a Voting Member while employed and shall pay Voting Member dues to maintain his membership.
I wanted to get out a quick note to let everyone know what's been happening with NACE.

Due to the widespread questions and concerns regarding the American Rescue Plan (ARP) I asked the Executive Committee to reach out to their State Directors to gage the interest of having Kevan ask the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the National Association of Counties (NACo) if they would host a webinar geared specifically to county engineers (public works, highway supervisors etc.) topic areas.
Each state will be limited to one (1) nominee for each award. The state's nominee should be submitted by the President of the State organization. If there is no State organization, then the first nomination received from a voting member within the State will be accepted. If a non-engineer is selected for the award, the actual award that year will be titled the Urban or Rural Road Professional of the Year.
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