Grief Therapy Modesto
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Don't know where to begin, how to begin, or thinking that your problems will never go away? We all feel this way at times in our lives. There could be several different reasons or events behind the struggles you are facing right now, and you may feel lost or like giving up. If you feel lost, overwhelmed, hopeless or helpless, counseling may be the light at the end of the tunnel you are looking for.

You don't have to struggle alone. Helping people find healing is my passion. Watching clients grow and change and getting on the road to healing and making the improvements they want is what I love to do. I love to watch people come together, couples improve their relationships and individuals achieve their goals.
I believe that people have the strengths and the resources that they need to solve their problems but with life's circumstances and burdens, we sometimes forget these strengths and resources. I believe that often times, it takes someone from "outside of the box" to help point out these things. I also believe that change happens by creating safe environment for people to express themselves.
Many people are hesitant to come to counseling. Fear of talking about problems, admitting problems to someone else or dealing with emotions can be difficult. Many people fear that the therapist will judge them, especially if they expose their true thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. My office will provide a safe, supportive, encouraging and non-judgmental way to explore the issues and solutions.
The main focus of the first session is to get to know each other and identify goals. We will go over some of the important things to know about counseling including confidentiality, office policies and how I work. We will also talk about what has brought you in, and what you hope to achieve in our work together.
There are many types and forms of abuse, each as painful and harmful as the other. Whether you are a victim of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse, past or present, working with a competent counselor in the area of abuse is a necessary part of the healing process. Often I hear that clients are hesitant to come to counseling for abuse issues because they are afraid to relive past painful memories or "open the floodgates".
Getting angry isn't the problem. Sometimes getting frustrated or angry can actually motivate us to change our behavior or situation. Our reaction to anger is what typically gets us into trouble. If anger is affecting your ability to work, engage in social acitivies, or interferring in your relationships, therapy may be able to help.
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