Regular professional dental cleanings backed by a good home care plan is essential to keeping that beautiful smile for a lifetime. Request an appointment online or call us directly to set an appointment. Invisalign Technology takes an innovative approach to getting you to that perfect smile without the unsightly and uncomfortable traditional braces.
Experiencing pain, crowding or missing teeth that are shifting your other teeth in ways they should not be? We offer several restoration services that will help prevent further damage and a healthier smile. We have filled our site with educational videos to help you understand some of the general procedures we preform.
Experiencing pain, crowding or missing teeth that are shifting your other teeth in ways they should not be? We offer several restoration services that will help prevent further damage and a healthier smile. We have filled our site with educational videos to help you understand some of the general procedures we preform.
Dr. Lomonte and his staff take great pride in the level of care we give to each our patients. It is the main reason most of our patients will agree with our moto. Come In As A Patient, Leave As A Friend. This care is not only related to your physical well-being but also to the emotional experience of your visit.
We look forward to serving your dental needs. If we can answer any question about your needs please give us a call and see if we are right choice for you. Here are some the ways we can solve your dental issues and needs. Your comfort is our #1 concern so if you are suffering from pain please indicate what level of pain you are experiencing.
A healthy mouth is a happy mouth and Dr. Lomonte and his highly trained staff are ready to make sure your mouth, gums and teeth stay healthy and happy. We want you to fully understand what it takes to maintain that wonderful smile and to achieve this there is no substitute for a good home care plan and regular professional cleanings.
When tooth decay occurs on the biting surface of a tooth, a dental drill may be used to remove the effected area of the tooth. When one of the front teeth becomes chipped and if that chip hasn't exposed the pulp area inside the tooth, then a filling can be applied. A composite material is built up layer by layer to replace the missing area of the tooth.
We offer a few different options for Dental Bridges depending on your specific situation. To best understand your options and Dr. Lomonte's recommendation for a dental bridge schedule an appointment to have an evaluation done. Here are few exapmples of bridge procedures that may help you understand what is or might be involved.