Musselman & Creager, LLP is a full service accounting firm offering accounting and tax services to the business community since 1980, with offices in Gettysburg and Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. We hope that you find our website both informative and useful. Be sure to add our website to your favorites and please do not hesitate to pass our website onto your family and friends so that they may benefit from the resources and financial tools our website offers.
We'd like to provide you with an opportunity to get to know our staff as well as our firm's values before you come to see us. The following pages should give you an idea of what we're all about. We hope you enjoy them! Musselman & Creager, LLP is a full-service Certified Public Accounting firm licensed in Pennsylvania.
Bonnie M. Creager is a staff accountant in the Waynesboro Office of Musselman and Creager, LLP. In this capacity, she is responsible for preparing payroll tax reports, income tax returns and financial statements. Bonnie received a Associates degree in accounting from York College and has worked in public accounting since 1978.
Larry A. Musselman is the managing partner of the Gettysburg office of Musselman & Creager, LLP. Larry began his career in public accounting upon graduation from Shippensburg University in 1975. He has been licensed as a Certified Public Accountant in Pennsylvania since 1977. In 1980, Larry and Sidney H Creager, III formed the firm of Musselman & Creager, LLP, which has offices in Gettysburg and Waynesboro, Pennsylvania.
Building and preserving your personal wealth requires specialized attention. You get one-on-one guidance and a comprehensive financial plan that helps manage risk, improve performance, and ensure the growth and longevity of your wealth.
Save enough for a comfortable retirement by identifying your retirement needs, analyzing your assets and sources of retirement income, reviewing estimated shortfalls, and identifying the best ways to save for retirement given your financial situation and risk tolerance.
Save enough for a comfortable retirement by identifying your retirement needs, analyzing your assets and sources of retirement income, reviewing estimated shortfalls, and identifying the best ways to save for retirement given your financial situation and risk tolerance.
Thoughts of estate planning often bring more questions than answers: Could an heir be too young to inherit? Should the inheritance be given at a certain age? Is the intended beneficiary in a shaky marriage with divorce as a possibility? Are there children from a previous marriage? Should inheritance be protected from potential creditors of the heir?