If you are suffering from emotional distress, frustrating relationships, chronic pain, sleep apnea, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, digestive disorders, depression, chronic anxiety, or some other supposedly "incurable" chronic illness. Perhaps you just want more energy and motivation? Peace of mind?
Joyful experiences? Are you forgetful, unable to concentrate, feeling disconnected or at-risk of serious illness? Maybe you just hate your job? Or hope that there's more to life than what you've experienced so far? Whether you want to conquer chronic illness, heal from loss, or just enjoy life for a change, getting to this website was a giant step forward.
Joyful experiences? Are you forgetful, unable to concentrate, feeling disconnected or at-risk of serious illness? Maybe you just hate your job? Or hope that there's more to life than what you've experienced so far? Whether you want to conquer chronic illness, heal from loss, or just enjoy life for a change, getting to this website was a giant step forward.
At the age of 15, I experienced a sudden awakening and became determined to overcome the intense pain and self-consciousness I was feeling. I wanted desperately to be the kind of person who could maintain healthy, loving relationships and make a difference in the world. By the age of 20, I was vigorously involved in a wide variety of practices, activities and programs designed for personal growth, health, and spiritual development.
Whether you stub your toe, have chronic pain, have an argument with spouse, or just found out you have cancer. Breathing on purpose is a great strategy for mental health, stress relief, and physical health. Since early childhood, most of us have learned to stuff our feelings in order to avoid getting in trouble!
EFT / Tapping is an "Emotional Freedom Technique" that is becoming one of the most widely respected Energy Psychology healing modalities available. It is extremely fast and useful for relieving pain - both emotional and physical - and reprogramming the subconscious mind. Based on principles of Acupuncture, EFT requires no needles and can be done anytime, anywhere, for fast relief of virtually any kind of discomfort.
Whenever possible, children's programs are best delivered to groups consisting of kids within a 2 to 3 year range of age. For example, more optimal results, each program will be tailored to best communicate with kids age 6-8, 7-9, 10-12, 11-13 and so on, ideally keeping within the age range listed for each topic.
If you've been working on these issues and are ready for a breakthrough, this event could be the giant step you've been seeking. All the Yogis and Spiritual Masters know that the breath is the gateway between the conscious, subconscious and super-conscious levels of the Body-Mind. Even cutting-edge Quantum Biologists are finding that the Body and Mind are inseparable during the human experience.
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