We believe in careful evaluation and treatment planning before recommending any treatment. During dental procedures, our team will provide the very highest level of quality, precision and comfort. Our dental team is experienced in all types of dental treatments including complex treatment needs. We focus on your needs and desires and not on selling treatments and hygiene aids.
Even though we use the latest technology and treatments, we are an old fashioned office with old fashioned values, and we will put you first in the equation. Welcome to what we sincerely hope will become your dental home. Our practice combines Dr. Shalkey's more than 34 years of experience in dentistry with a core staff together for the past more than 17 years in York, Pennsylvania.
Even though we use the latest technology and treatments, we are an old fashioned office with old fashioned values, and we will put you first in the equation. Welcome to what we sincerely hope will become your dental home. Our practice combines Dr. Shalkey's more than 34 years of experience in dentistry with a core staff together for the past more than 17 years in York, Pennsylvania.
You may notice our list of services is a bit longer than you may have expected. This reflects several things that Dr. Shalkey brings to his dental office in York, Pennsylvania every day. Second, three years of formal post-graduate residency training has prepared Dr. Shalkey to practice at the highest level a general dentist can achieve.
My family and I have been patients of Dr. Shalkey for the past 7 years. I would recommend Dr. Shalkey and his staff to anyone who is looking for the best dental care in the area! Dr. Shalkey: Jill came to me with a very loose upper denture that she had been wearing for many years. When I attempted a new upper denture I was not happy with the fit and retention.
Why are microscopes not used more? Less than 1 % of dentists use this wonderful technology, perhaps due to the expense of purchasing microscopes and the time and training needed to learn to use them. Why are microscopes better? The higher magnification can put my eyes inside the mouth and even inside the tooth.
Sometimes the history of either medical problems or previous dental treatment can impact our treatment plan. We will look at your teeth, restorations, and soft tissues to evaluate immediate needs and identify potential problems. We do this with excellent light and magnification. We will take the absolute minimum number of x-rays needed to establish a diagnosis.
Patients want their teeth to look good, feel good, and last a long time. They also want to know what treatment will cost, how long treatment will take, and how many appointments will be needed. There will be other specific concerns unique to each patient. Carefully thought out treatment alternatives can often solve problems at significantly less cost and treatment time while providing lifetime benefits.