Same day appointments and walk-ins available in any of our clinics for anyone in an emergency situation or discharging from a psychiatric hospital. Thank you for agreeing to complete the MHSIP survey. We want to know what you think about the services you have received over the last six months. Thank you for agreeing to complete the YSSF survey.
Comprehends mission is to enhance the well-being of individuals, families, and communities by advocating for and providing behavioral healthcare services in a welcoming and caring environment.
Comprehend is committed to the continual pursuit of excellence in behavioral health services by providing the highest quality individualized care through a staff of dedicated and expert professionals, thereby becoming the employer, provider, and partner of choice.Excellence: We will make a continual effort to achieve the highest degree of professional standards possible in all areas.
Comprehend is committed to the continual pursuit of excellence in behavioral health services by providing the highest quality individualized care through a staff of dedicated and expert professionals, thereby becoming the employer, provider, and partner of choice.Excellence: We will make a continual effort to achieve the highest degree of professional standards possible in all areas.
Ms. Harriet Cartmell (President, Maysville Planning Commission) meets with Mr. James Sills (Director, Mason County Health Department) to discuss need for MH/MR resources in the Buffalo Trace Area. Appropriate statistics are gathered, needs assessment performed. Mason; Bracken and Robertson County citizens meet with representatives from six other Northern Kentucky counties to gather statistics and develop blueprints.
Life Connections services are designed to assist clients with behavioral health disorders or emotional disorders and to help facilitate their daily living skills and overall functioning. Life Connections services foster a personal support network to increase the client's quality of life.
The program provides assistance in the areas of self-confidence, problem solving, building of improved independent living skills and overall functioning within the communities that we serve.These program services are available in Mason and Lewis Counties. Transportation is available to Life Connections clients through CompTran.
The program provides assistance in the areas of self-confidence, problem solving, building of improved independent living skills and overall functioning within the communities that we serve.These program services are available in Mason and Lewis Counties. Transportation is available to Life Connections clients through CompTran.
The Acute Care Team (ACT) serves as the primary delivery mechanism for emergency behavioral healthcare services to residents of the Buffalo Trace region. ACT coordinates and oversees all crisis stabilization-related services provided through Comprehend Inc. These services are provided through a community-based, multidisciplinary team approach that emphasizes highly individualized and integrated care.
We provide residential support to individuals through one group home serving eight people, five staffed residences serving three people each, and an apartment serving one person. We also contract with two Adult Foster Care Providers, who provide residential support in their own homes.
Day Training is a goal oriented day program designed to provide services in the areas of self-care, adult education, communication, social integration, health maintenance, job readiness, individual rights and community integration.We provide work training to individuals in several areas such as subcontract work from area industries, the Kentucky Kandy Kitchen and Another Man's Treasure.
Day Training is a goal oriented day program designed to provide services in the areas of self-care, adult education, communication, social integration, health maintenance, job readiness, individual rights and community integration.We provide work training to individuals in several areas such as subcontract work from area industries, the Kentucky Kandy Kitchen and Another Man's Treasure.
Reviews (4)
David Knott
Aug 23, 2020
I know since we are in a pandemic things change from day to day. Comprehend does not have the ability or does not care to contact patients with appointment reminders nor inform the patient that their appointment has changed to a telehealth appointment even after calling the day before the appointment to confirm the appointment. So now i wasted time driving to the appointment only to be told that no inperson appointments. Thanks, really appreciate the care not given to communicate with the patient.
Ghost Elle Years Ago
Dec 25, 2018
Haley Boone
Sep 03, 2017
The Heralds Family
Sep 01, 2017